North Eastern Coalfield Margherita Recruitment 2021:
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North Eastern Coalfield, Margherita,Assam has released a notification for the recruitment of 5 Para medical Staff in the post of Nurse, Lab Technician (Radiology) and ward Boys/Girls to work in the central hospital,NEC, Margherita,Assam to combat COVID-19 on temporary contract basis for a period of 05 months,which extendable up to 31st March,2022.
North Eastern Coalfield Margherita Recruitment 2021-Details:
1. Name of the post: Staff Nurse.
Total no. of post: 02 nos.
Pay Scale: Rs. 35,000/- Per Month.
2. Name of the post: Lab Technician (Radiology).
Total no. of post: 01 nos.
Pay Scale: Rs. 32,000/- Per Month.
3. Name of the post: Ward Boys/Girls
Total no. of post: 02 nos.
Pay Scale: Rs. 30,000/- Per Month
Eligibility criteria of North Eastern Coalfield Margherita Recruitment 2021:
Maximum age limit: 65 years as on date of notification.
Minimum Qualification:
Nurse – Matric plus ‘A’ Grade Nursing certificate plus one year experience from recognized Institute or one year experience in 50 bedded and above hospital/nursing home.
Lab Technician (Radiology) – Diploma in respective technology from recognized institute.
Ward Boys/Girls – Must be literate and have aptitude for the job.
How to apply for North Eastern Coalfield Margherita Recruitment 2021:
The interested candidates may appear in Walk-in-inteeview to be held on 05 June 2021 at NEC, Margherita HQ,from 10:00 am onwards along with original documents. The application form for the post para medical Staff is attached herewith. The Willing candidates will be required to send the duly filled in application form as an advance copy in the format prescribed along with self-attested copy of testimonials through email by 5.00 pm on Friday the 4th June,2021
North Eastern Coalfield Margherita Recruitment 2021- Mode of Selection:
The mode of selection will be based on personal interview. The candidates may appear in person in the interview and due to prevailing COVID-19 pandemic situation they may appear through video Conferenc (VC) also. The details regarding schedule and mode of interview will be intimated to the candidate’s Emil IDs.
Important links of North Eastern Coalfield Margherita Recruitment 2021:
Official website: Click here
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