DSJ,Kokrajhar recruitment 2020:
Mode of Selection: Interview.
Applications are invited from citizens of India as defined under article 5 and 6 of the Constitution of India for filling up the post of Chowkidar & Driver in the office of the District & Sessions Judge, Kokrajhar.
Post details of DSJ,Kokrajhar recruitment 2020:
1. Name of the post: Chowkidar.
Total no. of post: 01 [UR]
Scale of Pay: Rs. 12000-37500 +Rs.3900
Educational qualification: Maximum HSLC pass.
2. Name of the post: Driver (on Contingency basis)
Total no. of post: 01 [UR]
Scale of Pay: Rs. 15,000/- (Fix Pay)
Educational qualification: Minimum Class VIII pass and candidates must have valid Driving License for LMV.
Age limit of DSJ,Kokrajhar recruitment 2020:
The candidates must not be less than 18 years and more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2020.The upper age will be relaxable as per norms,Govt. Of Assam.
How to apply for DSJ,Kokrajhar recruitment 2020:
The dully filled up applications in standard form along with self-attested copies of 3 (three) recent passport size photoqraphs, castc certificate’ age proof and other relevant documcnts should reach the offlce of the undersigned before the last date and shall be dropped in the Drop Box captioned”DROP B OX OF APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST OF CHOWKIDAR” kept within the premise of District & Sessions Judge,Kokrajhar or by post.Incomplete applications shall be rejected.
The dully filled up applications in standard form along with self-attested copies of 3 (three) recent passport size photoqraphs, castc certificate’ age proof and other relevant documcnts should reach the offlce of the undersigned before the last date and shall be dropped in the Drop Box captioned”DROP B OX OF APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST OF DRIVER” kept within the premise of District & Sessions Judge,Kokrajhar or by post.Incomplete applications shall be rejected.
The last date of receipt of Application is 21.01.2021 at 4.30 p.m
Official website:-Click here