DHSFW Assam Admit Card 2021:
Exam Date: 10-01-2021
This is for general information that the OMR Based written test of Laboutory Technician, Refrigerator Mechanic and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANM) under the establishment of Directorate of Health Services (FW) Assam will be held on 10-01-2021
The admit card with venue,date and time for OMR test can be downloaded from the official official share.assam.gov.in from 05-01-2021 onwards.
Details of DHSFW Assam Admit Card 2021:
◾Name of the post: Grade-iii (Technical & non-technical).
(Refrigerator Mechanic, Laboratory Technician &ANM (Auxiliary Nurse & Midwives)
◾No of post: 549 nos.
◾Type of Exam: OMR based written Test.
◾Date of Exam: 10-01-2021 (Sunday).
◾ Admit card Download: From 05-01-2021.
Important links:
Admit card:-Click here
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