DFDO Lakhimpur Recruitment 2021:
Application fee: Nil
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates who are citizens of India as defined in Article 5 & 8 of the Constitution of India domiciled in the State of Assam for filling up of the following sanctioned vacant post in the establishment of District Fishery Dev. Officer,Lakshimpur,North Lakshimpur.
Post details of DFDO Lakhimpur Recruitment 2021:
1. Name of the post: Grade-IV.
Total no. of post: 03 nos. [UR-3]
Pay Scale: Rs.12,000-52,000 +GP Rs.3900/- P.M.
2. Name of the post: Power Pump Operator.
Total no. of post: 01 nos. [UR-1]
Pay Scale: Rs.14,000-60,500 +GP Rs.5200/- P.M.
3. Name of the post: Driver.
Total no. of post: 01 nos. [UR-1]
Pay Scale: Rs.14,000-60,500 +GP Rs.5200/- P.M.
Educational qualification & other criteria for DFDO Lakhimpur Recruitment 2021:
1. Grade-IV: Class VIII passed.
2.Power Pump Operator: i) The candidates should have valid ITI Diploma on Mechanical diesel trade from recognized Govt. ITI.
ii) Minimum qualification HSLC passed.
iii) candidates must be physically fit without any disability.
3. Driver: i) The candidates should have valid professional Driving license for LMV/HMV issued by the competent Authority (Assam State only).
ii) Minimum qualification HSLC passed.
iii) candidates must be physically fit without any disability with good eye sight.
Age limit DFDO Lakhimpur Recruitment 2021:
Candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age on 01.01.2021.The upper age is relaxable for S.C and S.T candidates is up to 45 years for OBC/MOBC candidates is up to 43 years.
How to apply for DFDO Lakhimpur Recruitment 2021:
The Applications must be submitted online through the following website as per post-
a) https://niyukti.assam.gov.in/fisherylakhimpur
Important dates of DFDO Lakhimpur Recruitment 2021:
Starting date of online application: 29-01-2021
Last date of online application: 07-02-2021
Apply online:-Click here
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